I am an old family friend. I met Joe and Karen in Israel when they were pregnant with JoAnne waaaaay back when. (We were on a trip to the Holy Land with Hal Lindsey) We lived together for a while in LA in the 70’s. I was around when JoAnne and Jaime were born but moved away before Joey’s birth and our visits since then have been far and few between but they are my oldest and dearest friends.
Somewhere I have an album of pictures with photos from when Joey was about 7 or so, when I visited them in California and that was the only time I ever knew Joey until the year he and Rachel were doing their “bus tour” across country.
They stayed with me in NY for a week in December. I was thrilled to finally meet Joey as a man and as I told Karen, I was so taken by how he was so much of both of them…his father’s energy and creativity, his mother’s love and kindness and smile. We didn’t know each other when they drove down my long driveway but we knew plenty about each other and jumped into each others arms anyway and it felt wonderful. We spent a week literally “hanging out” in our old farmhouse. They got their laundry done…got caught up on their blogging…helped me come up with a motto for my new business…
We made feasts every night…tried new margarita recipes…I taught Rachel to knit…Joey played his uke…It was such a joyous occasion for me…getting to know Rachel and seeing this precious son of my friends all grown up.
I think I told Karen at the time that I couldn’t stop looking at Joey…I loved his heart, his personality…everything about him but truly the most special thing about him was the obvious reflection he was of both of his parents which, having not seen him since he was 7, was much more obvious to me than it would have been to someone who knew him all along.
It was such a blessing to have them with me even for such a short time. I had some wonderful talks alone with Joey and admired his honesty and openness. He was truly a special, special guy and I missed him the minute they drove out. And Rachel too!
I wish I had more pictures of our time together but it was Them taking the photos most of the time. I’m attaching 2 photos of them on the couch in our living room. If you think they would be something to add to your blog, please use them. They are all I have of Joey but looking at them brings that visit and the wonderful time we had together. I am so grateful that we had this time together.
Thank you Wendy, if you are reading this, for your sweet words.
The time we spent out in her cool old farm house in NY was a well-needed time of rest, showers, and family togetherness. Although I had just met Wendy and Andy, I felt immediately comfortable with them, eating home-cooked meals, sitting near the fire, and drinking wine on the open-air porch.
I cut Joey's hair out in her expansive yard, the two of us hanging out in PJ's for days (as seen in pictures). During our year on the road, the comfort of being welcomed into people's homes and lives was intensely appreciated and necessary. We cherished those glimpses.
Dear Wendy... thank you so much for you open heart, open home policy with our son and Rachel. What a joy it was for us that you got to meet him, and vice-versa--especially now. He so enjoyed you and I know you were a wonderful haven for them for that week. What a faithful friend you are Wendy...there for us for so many years. We love you so. We bless you.
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