and celebrate Joey's life will be on
Sunday, June 15th, 4pm at Hope Chapel.

There will also be a paddle-out at Charlie Young Beach, Kam I, on Monday morning, June 16th at 7am to scatter his ashes. The Johnsons are hoping people will bring their boards and join them for that. If you have any questions, please e-mail Hope Chapel.
Note: I moved this up as a reminder.
What a lovely and sensitive letter from Sylvia. Our time with you was so sweet last night, Joe and Karen. We love you.
I plan to take out our Kayak on Monday morning.
Love, Bill and Lu
Aloha Everyone,
I just left the Johnsons house. It was so good to see them. I know so many of us are wondering how we can be there for them and help. What they are needing during this time is fellowship. They would love people to stop by and visit with them. The hard part for them is being alone. Please feel free to stop by and visit. You don't need to call in advance just stop by. The outside gate to the condo is open so just come on in. They also wanted me to mention to everyone that they appreciate the phone calls and to keep them comming but it is to hard to return all of them. So please don't take offense if they don't call you back. They continually look at the blog so keep the comments comming as well. Even if you don't know what to say just a simple we are thinking of you means the world to them. So if you have some time please stop by and show your love and support to them and help them thru this difficult time they are going thru.
Aloha, Tawny
Dear Joe and Karen, Thank you for always inspiring and encouraging us. We are praying for you and your family. Love, Spencer and Priscilla Sargent
Tawny said it well. All too often when faced with deep grief like Joe, Karen. Joanne, Jamie and Rachel, and others close to Joey we have a hard time knowing what to say. What helps the most is showing you care and being there for them even if it is as Tawny said, a simple we are thinking of you. The family has a ways to go to get through this and need to know we're right there beside them loving them. I know so many of you have poured out your love and support. I was visiting the Johnsons as well and found out some more neat things about Joey that I never knew. He was such an incredible young man in more ways than I realized. Their loss is tremendous along with the grief but I know what helps more than anything is to know they’re loved by so many and not alone. We love you Karen and Joe. Our prayers go out to you both along with Joanne, Jamie and Rachel and so many others that loved Joey.
Dear Karen And Joe
I wanted to share a devotional from Rick Warren, who I find, has a way of putting life so well and easy to understand...
Hope these words, of his Godly wisdom, will bring you peace...
“Even in laughter the heart may ache, and joy may end in grief” (Proverbs 14:13 NIV).
People often compare life to a roller coaster of hills and valleys, but actually life is more like two rails on a railroad track. One rail represents the good and positive in your life; the other represents the bad and painful in your life.
You’ll always have both at the same time! There will always be something good and something bad happening in your life. We can’t expect everything to be good for one month and then everything to be bad the next month. There’s always a mixture of both, a blending of both bitter and sweet.
However, we can choose the focus: “When others are happy, be happy with them. If they are sad, share their sorrow” (Romans 12:15 NLT).
we do share your sorrow,
Love you both and looking forward to seeing you soon,
Nancy and Loren Family
Even with all that is going on with Kit's Fund Raiser for this Saturday, you are still very much in our prayers and in our hearts!
We truly love you and we still lack
for words of comfort! Please accept our thoughts of comfort and our Lord's gracious presence in this difficult time.
Love, Alan and Loretta
The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
Deuteronomy 33:27
We love you guys so much!!!
Love & Huge Hugs,
Steve and Janna
Thinking of you ....
just to let you know you are in my daily thoughts and prayers and my heart is broken for you.
Right now the words of others are so comforting and echoed by me ....
I will stop by soon with comfort brownies and a bunch of hugs.
See you Sunday & Monday, if not sooner.
Love & hugs,
You are all in our thoughts and we love each of you dearly!!
Much Love, Garnett and Scott
Just a little note to say that I have been praying for you throughout the day. I wish that I could be there on Maui to take the board out with you on Monday morning.
Joe,I am won't be able to write to you this Sunday so I just wanted to say Happy Father's Day! I know that Joey thought the world of you and admired you greatly. Even though he is not able to be with you this Father's Day, he is spending it with our Heavenly Father. What a blessing it will to for God to have Joey in Heaven this year!
Love you, Heather Overholt
dear joe and karen
Our prayers are constantly with you and your family during this season of your life. We love you and are praying for the comfort and peace only God can give you.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
Much Love,
Susan, Chris Haynes and Nathan
Dearest Joe and Karen,
Every time I close my eyes in prayer for you, I see you holding hands with each other and Jesus is sheltering both of you. He is behind you,His arms are around both of in an open embrace,touching you. He knows you have stepped out of time and he is lifting you up,loving you, comforting you with His incredible golden light. You both are so caring and compassionate and your son learned the best from each of you. Thank you Karen, for your phone call (May 19?)you left on my cell.It was wonderful to here your voice and care. I swim at C.Y.B. in the mornings... I was saying the Lord's Prayer as usually,and your son's passing and your grief was on my heart. I wanted to share with you the prayer picture I see. Jesus is so close, He is breathing on you, giving you His quiet peace, His endless love.
Comfort and Blessings to all your family, Love Gaila
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